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 Llámanos: +34 634 53 91 61



Floating Boots Store is a team of riders, passionate about barefoot riding, who have come together to share their expertise with horseowners about daily hoofcare, for better well-being, health and performance.

At FLOATING BOOTS STORE you will find the best horseboots brands. Our commitment is to offer you the best option for the protection and care of your horse’s hooves.

We adapt to the needs of each rider, offering you the best alternatives for both recreational riding and high-level competition.

At FLOATING BOOTS STORE you will also find products, alternatives to traditional methods, to treat the specific needs of horses that need correction or are going through a phase of hoof rehabilitation.

Our goal is to promote animal welfare and to accompany you through the process of choosing the best option for you and your horse.

FLOATING BOOTS STORE is committed to the health of the horse.